Book the Best EVO Oil
of the new season
Le Case di Lavinia
bio dop
Le Terre di Vito
Le Terre di Vito is our first Organic extra virgin olive oil. We started producing it thinking about those people who want high quality organic products on their tables. But, first of all, it is dedicated to our father, to his great love for his olive trees and to his deep passion for his lands. So, from his lands, here is Le Terre di Vito, his organic olive oil.
Vico Rosella N.1
Vico Rosella n. 1 is…Home. It is not just an address to us, but it means tradition and family. This is why we gave this name to our first, conventional, olive oil: our blend of Monti Iblei’s native cultivars. It is a mixture of typical varieties, like our grandparents used to do.
Make oil not war
IGP SICILIA / Limited Edition
Bottle awarded the Miglior Messaggio at the Le Forme dell'Olio Competition at OOF Milan.
Vico Rosella n. 1 is…Home. It is not just an address to us, but it means tradition and family. This is why we gave this name to our first, olive oil: our blend of Monti Iblei’s native cultivars. It is a mixture of typical varieties, like our grandparents used to do.
It is a Vernèra project, handcrafted by Cerruto Ceramica in Modica, awarded as The Best Message: Make Oil not War, Peace & Oil!
The box contains two 250 ml bottles of “Le Terre di Vito” and “Le case di Lavinia”, and two small tasting bowls inspired by the rose window of the Gothic church of Sant’Andrea, in Buccheri.
A jewel of Gothic art stands among the green valleys of Buccheri: the rural Church of Sant’Andrea, commissioned by Federico II of Svevia, built by the Frati Cistercensi and a place of worship for the Cavalieri Templari.
A small rose window filters the sunset light, illuminating the pointed arches of the vault, up to the apse where religious frescoes once dominated.
The solitary beauty of the small church is amplified by the imposing centuries-old olive groves that protect it.
Le Terre di Vito, our father, belong to this place. In front of this church stand Le Case di Lavinia, our mother. From these timeless olive groves come our precious oils. We invite you to taste them, with a piece of bread, right from our small bowl Roses, inspired by the rose window of the Church of Sant’Andrea, handcrafted in Limoges porcelain, by Master Nello Valentino and his staff of Bhumi, exclusively for Vernèra.
Bianco Lillà
Did you know that the fats contained in quality extra virgin olive oil are similar to those contained in breast milk?
If the olives are processed correctly, EVO OIL reaches levels of essential fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6, similar to those contained in breast milk.
The use of EVO OIL during both pregnancy and breastfeeding is recommended by dieticians: this good habit can have an important impact on the health of the baby.
EVO OIL is strongly recommended already in the weaning phase, from six months onwards.
A teaspoon of quality oil added to every meal gives taste and health.
But why is quality EVO OIL good for you?
EVO OIL is an easily digestible food and helps the gastric function of both mother and baby.
It helps lower levels of bad cholesterol.
Children who consume EVO OIL seem to have a more developed immune system and a lower risk of developing allergies.
It can help fight childhood obesity and provides valuable nutrients that are also good for the skin.
Quality EVO OIL is a valuable food that contains natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.
In particular: Oleic acid, Polyphenols, Beta-carotene useful for the skin and eyesight, Vitamin E essential for cell renewal, Oleuropein, Oleocanthal, Hydroxytyrosol a powerful antioxidant that fights damage caused by free radicals.
The Ovolì table cruet won second place in the national competition “Premio Artigiano 2003” at Lario Fiere in Como. Its use is practical and innovative. The cruet is made up of an olive-shaped base and a perforated straw: by filling the cruet you also fill the straw for the communicating vessel system, then take the straw from the ergonomic groove and plug the little hole at the top so as to block the oil inside. It is then brought to the dish to be seasoned and the small hole is freed so that it releases the oil. Close the hole again and put the straw back in the cruet which automatically fills again.
Ovolì is in a Gift-Box with a 0.25 l. bottle of “LE CASE DI LAVINIA” BIO-DOP EVO oil.
The Oinochoe oil bottle derives from the traditional Poseidonia jugs, the oinochoai characterized by a flat bottom and an elegand handle.
To enhance its antiquity, the shape of the finds was recall starting from the concept of rupture.
Indeed, most of the jugs found have a thin severed handle. From this suggestion comes the spout for pouring the oil, then completed by a geometry that recalls the original flat bottom shape.
OINOCHOE oil bottle is handmade in Italy in Limoges porcelain paste with the ancient slip casting technique. It is finished with crystalline satin gloss effect fired at 1260 degrees and it is certified suitable for contact with food. Available in black or white porcelain.
Designed and produced to serve the precious VERNERA oils on the table, the L’URLATORE cruet is inspired by the Man with Megaphone by the Futurist artist Fortunato Depero. The cruet is handmade, in Limoges paste, with the ancient casting technique and finished with shiny and satin crystals, typical of Capodimonte manufacturing.
THE SCREAMER is in a GIFT-BOX with a 0.25 l. bottle of organic EVO oil “LE TERRE DI VITO”
Olio & Pane
OIL&BREAD: the ancient peasant tradition relied on oil poured onto the bread for the afternoon snack and in some cases, directly for the dinner. The Olio&Pane tasting plate takes up that old gesture and reworks it in a contemporary form: the oil in the cup and the bread on the saucer. The saucer is handmade in Limoges porcelain paste, with the ancient casting technique and finished with shiny-satin crystals typical of Capodimonte porcelain.
OLIO&PANE is in a Gift-Box with a 0.25 l. bottle of EVO oil PGI SICILY “VICO ROSELLA N. 1”

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a liquid, vegetal and natural fat. It has 9 calories per gram. It doesn’t contain any cholesterol and it is mainly formed by monounsaturated oleic acid and by a perfect amount of polyunsaturated linoleic and linolenic acids. Nutritional Science recognizes to extra virgin olive oil the most balanced composition between fatty acids and suggests it as the most suitable fat for nutrition and dietary purposes. It is perfect for children’s diet because it makes the obsorption of substances essential for growth easier, since its components are, in part, similar to those of breast milk.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil is rich in natural antioxidants and vitamins which help to prevent cellular aging. It preserves food and gives them fragrance and flavour. It is suggested both in cooking and frying since it resists to high temperatures and, while heated, it suffers less alterations, compared to other vegetal oils.
Tonda Iblea
Tonda Iblea is the typical olive variery of the Monti Iblei, particularly present in Buccheri. It is a typical ecotype with some unique characteristics specific of the Iblei Mountains. The fruit, with its spherical shape, doesn’t reach, in its maturity, the characteristical black colour but it remains on a violaceous tonality. It reaches a diameter of about 3,5 cm and a weight of about 12 grams. Extra virgin olive oil coming from Tonda Iblea olives mainly belongs to an “Intense Fruity” category with a predominance of the spicy notes on the bitter ones. The typical organoleptic characteristics of this variety is a hint of green tomato, artichoke and green grass, above all in the olive oil coming from the higest areas of the Iblei Mountains (Buccheri). Its colour is deep green with slight shades of yellow, and, despite the prevalence of its spicy notes, it presents a perfect harmony and a pleasant balance.